You can select an alternate file transfer option when the selected file transfer fails. 当选中的文件传输失败时,可以选择一个替代文件传输选项。
The native support of ZIP in PHP will allow a great deal of file transfer issues to be resolved. PHP中的ZIP本机支持将使大量文件传输问题得以解决。
WebSphere MQ Explorer stores the file transfer logs in a binary file. WebSphereMQExplorer在一个二进制文件中保存了文件传输日志。
Scp uses ssh for encrypted file transfer and lets you move files without setting up NFS or Samba. scp使用ssh来传输加密的文件,让您可以不用设置NFS或Samba就可以移动文件。
The configuration changes in this article occur during the pre-reboot and CFM file transfer stages. 本文中的配置修改都是在pre-reboot和CFM文件传输阶段进行的。
CIFS complements HTTP and provides more sophisticated file sharing and file transfer than older protocols, such as FTP. CIFS对HTTP进行了补充,与以前的协议(如FTP)相比,它提供了更完善的文件共享和文件传输功能。
If you use the File Transfer Protocol [ FTP] or utilities such as rcp or scp, complete files will be sent, even if just one byte has changed. (如果使用FileTransferProtocol[FTP]或rcp和scp等实用程序,那么即使只修改了一个字节,也会发送完整的文件)。
File transfer also integrates with Lotus Sametime's new policy engine and allows administrators to specify which users and groups are allowed to send files. 文件传输还集成了LotusSametime的新策略引擎,并允许管理员指定允许哪些用户和组发送文件。
Unzip the files onto the Windows server where the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition agent will run. 将该文件解压缩到将运行WebSphereMQFileTransferEdition代理的Windows服务器上。
The built-in Puppet file server also requires certificates, so you can't use this file transfer method. 内置的Puppet文件服务器也需要证书,这样您就不能使用这个文件传输方法。
Current methods for file transfer do not scale well for large files and can cause long transfer times. 用于文件传输的当前方法不能够对大的文件很好的适应,并且能够导致长期的传输时间。
File transfer sending secondary volume information. 文件传输发送次要的卷信息。
File Transfer: two systems produce files whose payload is the message to be processed by the other system. 文件传输:两个系统生成文件,文件的有效负载就是由另一个系统处理的消息。
File transfer means to copy files from one system to another. 文件传送意味着把一个系统的文件拷贝到另一系统上。你能把文件从其他系统拷入你的系统。
Includes PC synchronisation and file transfer and Infrared beaming. 包括PC同步,文件传输和红外线发送。
Which layer of the OSI model provides network services to processes in electronic mail and file transfer programs? 在OSI模型的那一层提供网路服务去处理电子邮件何档案传输程式?
Take advantage of this development environment, design and realization of a simple file transfer protocol. 利用这个开发环境,设计和实现一个简单的文件传输协议。
Too many files have been selected in a single File Transfer Protocol Task. 在单个的文件传输协议任务中选择了过多的文件。
This data could be part of an e-mail, file transfer, etc. 该数据可能是电子邮件、文件传递等的一部分。
Also handy for business users are the file transfer capabilities provided by IM services. im服务提供的文件传输功能对商业用户来说也是很方便的功能。
In this case, it is only a matter of a simple echo or file transfer. 在这种情况下,这只是一个问题,一个简单的重复或文件传输。
The infrared file transfer service is unable to save file data because the disk is full. 因为磁盘已满,所以红外线文件传送服务无法保存文件数据。
Expression Web3 also supports multiple publishing destinations per site and multi-channel file transfer for fast performance. ExpressionWeb3也支持一个网站发布到多个目标以及多个渠道的文件传输来提高速度性能。
Voice messaging and file transfer. 语音通信和文件传输。
You must cancel the active file transfer prior to receiving a file. 接收文件之前,您必须取消正在进行中的文件传送。
Use the File Transfer Protocol to transfer data from one computer to another. 使用文件传送协议把数据从一台电脑转移到另一台。
Configure infrared file transfer, image transfer, and hardware settings. 配置红外文件传递,图片传递和硬件设置。
You have canceled the file transfer. 您取消了文件传输。
The third service is called FTP ( file transfer protocol). 第三种服务叫做FTP(文件传输协议)。
This allows file transfer protocols other than http/ https to be used for Eclipse install/ update. 这样,除了http/https协议之外,文件传输协议也被用到了Eclipse安装/更新上。